Last updated on
Below you can find a list of the official websites with up-to-date information on COVID-related travel requirements and restrictions. Please consult this information carefully before planning your trip.
The Embassy cannot provide documents regarding your COVID-status and cannot negotiate exceptions to sanitary requirements.
Please keep in mind that different regulations may apply, depending on your vaccination status, your mode of travel (airplane, train, car) your nationality (Belgian, EU citizen, non-EU citizen) and transit countries.
BE >> PL: Travelling from Belgium to Poland
Official information
PL >> BE: Travelling from Poland to Belgium
Official Information
- https://www.info-coronavirus.be/en/faq/#id_7 go to "Transport & International"
- https://www.info-coronavirus.be/en/travels/
Coordinates of the Polish Embassy in Brussels: www.gov.pl/web/belgia/ambasada
BE >> LT: Travelling from Belgium to Lithuania
Official Information
LT >> BE: Travelling from Lithuania to Belgium
Official Information
- www.info-coronavirus.be/en/faq/#id_7 go to "Transport & International"
- www.info-coronavirus.be/en/travels/
Coordinates of the Lithuanian Embassy in Brussels: be.mfa.lt/be/en/embasycontacts