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Please consult the Dutch and French versions of the frequent asked questions.
1. Life certificate
I am a Belgian citizen and need to have my life certificate of my pension administration signed at the Belgian consulate.
This is possible at the consulate general of Belgium in Warsaw, but also at the honorary consulates of Belgium in Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Lodz, Poznan, Wroclaw and Vilnius.
Always take an appointment before going to the consulate.
Bring the form to be completed, as well as an identity document.
I am not a Belgian citizen and need to have my life certificate of the Belgian pension administration signed . Is this possible at the Belgian consulate?
No, please ask the consulate of your country, or the local administration.
2. As a result of a robbery or loss of documents, I don’t have my Belgian passport or identity card anymore. Can the consulate general of Belgium in Warsaw help me?
To do:
- Make a declaration of theft or loss of your document at the local police station; ask a copy of your declaration
- Prepare 2 pictures ( about 2x3cm), some money for consular taxes and all document which can help to identity you.
- Call the consulate general in Warsaw, and explain your situation.
- The consul will ask you to come to Warsaw, or refer you to the Belgian consulate in Gdynia, Poznan or Vilnius.
- Take an appointment with the consul, and present yourself to the consulate for a provisional passport which will enable you to return to Belgium or continue your journey.
- In order to cancel your stolen or lost document, call DOCSTOP Brussels, tel +32 2 518 21 23.
3. I need a visa for Belgium. Where do I find the information about visa?
Consult the website of the Belgian Interior Ministry (Office des Etrangers)
4. I am a resident in Poland, Lithuania or Latvia with visa obligation for Belgium. I need a long stay visa for Belgium for my studies.
Which documents do I have to prepare for my visademand?
Here are the instructions for non EEE-students wishing to continue their studies in Belgium next academic year.
Apply for your visa in time.
Required documents:
- Proof of payment of the administrative costs of the visa application: 200 EUR to be transferred to the Ministry of Interior in Brussels
Bank account: BE57 6792 0060 9235
Bank: BPOST NV, Muntcentrum, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Beneficiary: FPS Interior, Office des Etrangers, Rue d’Anvers 59B, 1000 Brussels
Mention on the transfer order following compulsory text: “Name_first name_your nationality_00.00.0000 (= date of birth)
Exemption of payment of these costs is possible if a scholarshipcertificate is presented issued by a Belgian Authority, by an international organization or a Fund recognized by Belgium (the appropriate form shall be used by the institution that offers the scholarship). More info (DOCX, 17.96 KB)
- 2 x visa application form (PDF, 267.14 KB) (long stay) + 2 pictures
- national passport with at least one year validity
- recent medical certificate: go to one of the medical doctors on the embassy’s list; the doctor shall complete the embassy’s medical form (DOCX, 15.93 KB)
- letter of registration (admission or inscription) issued by the Belgian University
- if you are over 21 years old: a recent non-criminal record certificate issued by the Polish/Lithuanian authorities + apostil. Please add a translation into Dutch, French or German, by a sworn translator; the signature of the sworn translator shall also bear the apostil. Exception: an official document from Latvia does not need an apostil.
- prove of your present status in Poland/Lithuania/Latvia (student card, residence card or long stay visa for Poland)
- consular taxes: exempted for students
- prove of sufficient financial means: you have to prove a minimum of 631 EUR per month for your costs of living in Belgium
a) either by an original scholarshipcertificate (mentioning the amount of scholarship, period, name beneficiary, for which studies, etc.)
b) or by a sponsorshipletter (form annexe 32 (PDF, 279.43 KB), duly completed and attested+ proves of regular and sufficient income of the sponsor+ how many persons financially dependent of the sponsor) (read the details on the website of the immigration Department).
c) another way to prove a regular income can be when the university in Belgium, after agreeing to accept your prepaid sum of 631 EUR per month for the duration of your studies in Belgium, commits itself to paying you every month the needed 631 EUR. Attention: not all universities offer this service.
Having some financial means on your own bankaccount is not considered a prove of sufficient regular income (unless you continue receiving every month a salary, income from rent, etc..). If you are holding a scholarship which is less than 631 EUR per month, you should add an extra prove of financial means as described in points b or c.
- complete questionnaire about your motivation for studies in Belgium
- photocopy of your last diploma
For more information, also about the special contribution, go to the website of the Immigration Department in Brussels
About means of subsistence
Send a photocopy of all documents in advance to the embassy, so that they can be checked before you come to Warsaw for the visa. Always come on appointment.
5. You are a foreigner residing in Poland, Lithuania or Latvia with visa obligation for Belgium. You wish to apply at the Embassy of Belgium in Warsaw for a PROFESSIONAL CARD which allows you to do professional activities as an independent person in Belgium.
The place in Belgium where you wish to install your company will determine by which employment administration (Flanders, Brussels Capital Region, Wallonia or the Germanspeaking Community) your request will be examined.
Please consult the appropriate website and download 2 application forms.
- www.vlaanderen.be/nl/ondernemen/vergunningen-en-regelgeving/beroepskaart-voor-vreemdelingen
- www.werk-economie-emploi.irisnet.be/carte-professionnelle-pour-ressortissants-etrangers
- emploi.wallonie.be/home/travailleurs-etrangers/carte-professionnelle.html
- www.dglive.be/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-4759/
The application fee will be 140 EUR (to be paid in PLN by the consular exchange rate).
The application will contain the following document which are relevant to your application:
- 2 application forms
- a recent non-criminal record certificate issued by the Polish authorities + apostil. Please add a translation into Dutch, French or German, by a sworn translator; the signature of the sworn translator shall also bear the apostil. Exception: an official document from Latvia does not need an apostil.
- Valid passport
- Valid residence card for Poland, Lithuania or Latvia
- Proves of your professional experience
- Copies of your diplomas
- Motivation letter about your project, why you choose Belgium, your language knowledge, if your studies were linked to the present professional activities, your complete business plan, what extra your company will mean for the Belgian economy
- Proves of your income of the last 12 months; bankstatements
- The financial means for your project
- Business contacts with Belgian companies
- Information about your present company and its business results
- Any other relevant information that can support your application.
When depositing your application, you will be interviewed by the consul.
Always come on appointment.
6. You are a foreigner residing in Poland, Lithuania or Latvia with visa obligation for Belgium. You wish to go to Belgium to work on basis of a Belgian workpermit (i.e. for an employer in Belgium).
Work permit
Your work permit will be applied for with the regional employment administration by the employer in Belgium.
This employer will send you the forms to be completed and returned.
One of the documents is “a medical certificate of fitness to work”.
It has to be completed by a medical doctor on the embassy’s list.
The signature of the medical doctor shall be attested by the embassy.
This certificate is different from the “medical certificate” needed for the visa application.
Long stay visa for Belgium
Is to be applied for at the Embassy of Belgium in Warsaw after obtaining the Belgian work permit.
The visa application shall contain:
- prove of payment of the administrative contribution to the account of Ministry of Interior in Brussels (amount between 60 and 350 EUR, in some particular cases, exemption or reduction of payment)
- visa application form (PDF, 267.14 KB) for long stay in 2 copies + 2 pictures
- valid passport (valid min. one year)
- original Belgian workpermit
- recent medical certificate (DOCX, 15.62 KB) (use form of embassy and go to one of the medical doctors indicated)
- recent non-criminal record certificate, duly attested (with an apostil) and translated by a sworn translator into Dutch, French or German. The signature of the translator has to have the apostil as well (see enclosed). Latvian official documents are exempted from the apostil.
- consular taxes to be paid at the embassy: 180 EUR (payment in Polish zlotys at the applicable consular rate)
7. You are a foreigner with visa obligation for Belgium residing and working in Poland/Lithuania/Latvia, and your employer wishes to send you as a "posted worker" to Belgium
List of documents to be presented by the applicant, residing and working Poland/Lithuania/Latvia, for a visa type-D for Belgium in view of working as a “posted worker” for the duration of specific contracts with companies in Belgium (stays of longer than 90 days):
- 2 x visa application form (PDF, 267.14 KB) + 2 pictures
- national passport, valid minimum one year
- residence permit for Poland/Lithuania/Latvia; this residence permit must have a validity that corresponds with the total duration of the mission as posted worker in Belgium of your above mentioned employee
- if the applicant is living for some years in Poland/Lithuania/Latvia: non-criminal record certificate issued by the local authorities; this document shall bear the apostil (a kind of legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and a translation into Dutch, French or German by sworn translator. The signature of the translator shall also bear the apostil. If the applicant just arrived in Poland, Lithuania,Latvia, he/she will need also a non-criminal record certificate of his country, attested or with the apostil. An attested true certified translation by sworn translator into Dutch, French or German will be added (same as above); An official Latvian document does not need a legalisation or apostil.
- medical certificate (DOCX, 15.62 KB) (only the enclosed French or English form is to be used; your employee will go to one of the medical doctors on enclosed list)
- valid LIMOSA attestation (please consult following website for instructions how your employee has to obtain it: www.limosa.be)
- social security form A1
- true certified copy of the agreement(s) for certain services, between the company of the employer (which is sending the employee to Belgium) and the Belgian company(ies); in Dutch, French, German language
- local work permit of the applicant; this workpermit must have a duration that corresponds with the total duration of the mission as posted worker in Belgium of your employee;
- true certified copy of the present labour contract between the applicant and his employer (+ translation by sworn translator)
- visa handling fee = consular fee: 180 EUR to be paid at the consular exchange rate
- administrative fee to be transferred on the account of the Ministry of Interior in Brussels: 350 EUR, before introducing the visa demand with this embassy (in some cases, a lower tariff)
All the above documents must have at least a validity of 3 months.
The complete visa application is to be submitted at the embassy by the applicant, on appointment any working day between 9 – 14 h.
The complete application will be submitted for decision to the Immigration Department in Brussels.
8. You need a medical certificate in the frame of an application for a workpermit or a long stay visa for Belgium
1. Dr. Med. Pascal EECHOUT
Ul. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego 20 lok. U3
02-561 Warsaw
tel.: +48.22.827.97.44
gsm +48.602.367.620
2. Dr Med. Marek KRUK
Medical Centre Marek Kruk
Ul.Fabryczna 9/1
00-447 Warsaw
tel.: +48.601.214.672
V.Grybo g.32A
LT-10318 Vilnius
Tel: +370.5. 233 3000; 5.270. 9120
57 Elizabetes Street,
LV-1050 Riga
Tel.:+371 67229942; fax: +371 67289413
e-mail: dsmc@apollo.lv
Please call the doctor for an appointment
Examinations to be done : X-Ray of the lungs, Wasserman (WR), Morfology